Find me at ✏️Lines + Letters From My Desk

Find me at ✏️Lines + Letters From My Desk

Lines + Letters From My Deak

A few months ago, I created a new newsletter subscription account on Substack, which I titled "✏️Lines + Letters From My Desk". I have been thoroughly enjoying this new platform and its user-friendly interfaces that allow for the integration of different media into a post, such as podcasts, videos, and more. The best part is that Substack also includes chat and share post functions that make it really fun and engaging for both readers and creators to share their stories and experiences, fostering a sense of community.

I post on Substack once every week, sharing stories from my book-making process, art tips, comics, art tutorials, and more. Subscribers will also get the first peek into my new releases before everyone else.

If you want to join the fun, please visit me on my Substack - ✏️ Lines + Letters From My Desk. It's completely free to sign up!

Canvas Rebel Interview

Canvas Rebel Interview