March Sketchbook Project (2010)

March Sketchbook Project (2010)

Many people often asked me how I started becoming an independent artist. Do I strategically plan what I made along the way to build up the career?

When I was a 3D animator working full-time in the studio, I often felt dissatisfied with my creativity. While it was fun to work on studio projects, you are working on other people's titles. I missed making art for myself, so I started participating in different art events and projects on the side. I painted and drew for fun and myself. I never did expect one day, this hobby with taking over and became my full-time job.

Since working for a studio was very restricted with the content one created on the job when I worked on my art, I allowed myself to be free to play, experiment, and make mistakes. I don't judge the quality of my drawings nor the quality of the art I post on social media. I only evaluate the quality of my work when it's for work. To this day, I still hold the same belief. While my fun drawings may not be the ideal quality, they usually are the most creative and expressive. Usually, when I play, I get the best idea for a project.

My Neighbor Hayao is OUT!

My Neighbor Hayao is OUT!

Travel Sketch Art book (2006)

Travel Sketch Art book (2006)